Wednesday, February 12, 2014


My D is for DREAM
I've been called a dreamer all my life & 
I'll admit I'm a lil head-in-the-cloudsy at times, but c'mon its fun!!!!
What is life without dreams?

I consider myself more of a "down to earth dreamer" these days, 
the ideas are still big, but now I keep a toe or 2 on the ground so I can start implementing these dreams ;)
Its so much more fun watching them become a reality now, 

*(but I'd take you up on an afternoon lying in the grass under the shady tree dreaming the day away too)

Cheers to DREAMS coming true!! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

C is my favorite letter

When we initially started creating our list of ABC's for 2014, 
I knew immediately what my "C" would be.
It was my easiest letter to fill in.
Originally my "C" was for CREATE, but it's funny how life will toss in some turns every now and then & the "C" speaking to me now is COURAGE.

So, of course when I saw this quote by Matisse I knew it was perfect!

Creating has always just been a way of life to me.
My mom always is saying how she wishes she had a creative bone in her body & I argue that she must. We all do. We all create in our own unique ways, which is why its so cool & essential that we all create!
But I think Matisse may be right, it does take courage.

A couple of weeks ago I was invited to attend a conference that my coach & love mentor was doing, called Ignite Your Life. As a graduate of her Find Love Now program, I was under the impression I'd be sharing my story with individuals throughout the weekend if they had questions.
When I got the outline for the event, I saw I was listed to speak on stage, sharing my Moment of Inspiration - my story.
Speak???!!! What? Me?
Commence inner freak out! 

I had originally shied away from volunteering to be on a panel, based solely because of my fear of public speaking.
I felt much more comfortable just being there as support, as some one to listen to guests questions & share my experience, one-on-one.

But I knew, you know that deep down inside knowing, I HAD to do this!
Without hesitation.
I've worked this hard & taken risks in so many other areas in my life, 
it'd be silly to turn back now.
Boy was I scared as I walked to the stage!
My heart was racing.
I figured the shaking mic would be a dead giveaway...
but, you know what?

I mustered all the COURAGE I had inside me & faced my biggest fear!
I got personal & shared myself.

I'm kinda on a COURAGE "high" & am taking on some new risks in life ~ stay tuned :)

I invite you over these next couple of weeks while we celebrate "C" to CREATE some of your own moments of COURAGE

My beautiful & amazing coach,
Marni Battista, who's given me the
courage to chase my dreams
& live a life I love! xo
Proof I did not die while speaking in front of
a coupla hundred fantastic ladies

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Finally seeing it...

 "Seems like the only one who doesn't see your beauty is the face in the mirror looking back at you"
~ Taylor Swift

Ahhhh, that Taylor Swift, she's a wise one...
She got me thinking.
I'm pretty funny about mirrors. I rarely look directly at myself in them, even when I mean to, like checking for lipstick on the teeth, or if everything is in place...I'll walk out of the bathroom & realize I completely forgot to check!

Why is that? What is that all about I wondered...
Then I realized ~ up until recently when I looked in the mirror I still saw my 12 year old self.
 The shy awkward girl with the out of control curls & the big glasses.
Now I know that's not how I appear to other's, but that's who was showing up!

I had to take a real long hard look at myself.
I couldn't, or wouldn't, allow myself to see my beauty today until 
I accepted my 12 yr old self & her journey as BEAUTIFUL

Sure, we all go through some awkward phases while growing up & it helps form our adult selves, but if I can, I'd love to save young girls from years of feeling like that ugly duckling & help them see their amazing beauty now!

It hasn't been easy to get here, but I can honestly say to the lil me
"You are beautiful"

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

B is for...

One of my goals this year is to help women see & own their unique beauty.
I struggled with seeing myself as beautiful while growing up
& only recently have I truly been able to say
"I am beautiful"
without hearing the voice inside my head disagreeing with me.

Its one of the main reasons I was inspired to start Ch'Armz.
I wanted to give women the freedom to show their style & express who they are without being self-conscious about their arms.

Clothing has amazing powers!
Now hear me out, I may sound crazy, but I grew up mesmerized when looking at pretty dresses, colorful outfits & shiny jewels. 
And when all combined together to create a look, the wearer of this magical outfit floated!
You could tell she knew she looked good, felt good - she was a BEAUTY!

I wanted to achieve that feeling, I wanted to float!
And until I could claim my own beauty from within, I let each emerald green sweater, each vintage floral dress, each flowy silk top help me believe I was beautiful while wearing it.
When I found my style, I gained my confidence. 
I could enter any situation knowing if I was dressed well, I could handle it.
Slowly but surely the exterior bravado began to sink in & I could see my beauty.
Would I have gotten there without fashion? Maybe eventually...
but it was much more fun playing dress up along the way!!

So, in this new year ahead I hope to inspire women to have fun playing dress up, trying on new styles & finding their BEAUTY along the way!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Off to a good start...

The ADVENTURE continues...

I love the new-ness of January!
I get energized to take on all sorts of activities, I start making lists, cleaning out drawers, making space, I revel in the possibilities of the future...

I also get all gung-ho about my health!
I mean, who didn't grab "just one more" of mom's sugar cookies over the holidays, or said yes to the egg nog (only if there's rum)?
Ok, yes, I did!
It's not about shaming away the holiday actions, it's about saying "I loved every delicious morsel that crossed my tongue! I lived, I loved, but pass me my sneakers, I gotta get movin!"

To start the year off back in my skinny jeans there was only one way to go ~
a juice cleanse
The "health" adventure begins...bottoms up!

Check out Pressed Juicery for all their delicious juices ~ cheers!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A is for Adventure

Happy 2014!!!
It is going to be an AMAZING year ahead, I can feel it!!

I am inspired & am joining in on the fun that my friends, 
Michelle Bouse of Michelle Bouse's Beauty Boutique
Kristin Matz Kane of Water Closet Soap
are doing for 2014 ~ the ABC's of 2014

Here's the details ~ I'd love to hear your story throughout the year too!

My "A" is for ADVENTURE!!
I've always believed in going after my dreams, 
and no matter how nervous or scared I get, with some deep breathes & one step at a time I've been enjoying a beautiful life!
Its not always exactly how I pictured it, but that's the fun part of the adventure.
This year I'm tackling new adventures in business, in love & in travel ~ I'll keep you posted!

What adventures do you want to have in 2014?
Now is the time to take your 1st step!
